Marseille, France
The conference will be held at the Palais du Pharo.
May 20-22, 2019
Workshop information
Registration is closed. Please contact J. Gattacceca for eventual late registrations.
The core of the Moon plays an important role in understanding many questions in planetary science. Topics include the consequences of giant impacts, processes related to initial differentiation and late accretion, the orbital and rotational evolution of satellites, core dynamos, crustal magnetization, and paleomagnetism of extraterrestrial samples.
Significant progress has been made over the past decade towards understanding the core of the Moon, and this meeting aims to bring together experts from all fields of lunar and planetary science, to promote interaction among these fields, and to synthesize the current state of the art. This meeting is the outgrowth of a similar meeting held in 2016 “Recent advances in lunar magnetism”, and for this meeting, the scope will be broadened to include topics related to late accretion, orbital evolution, equations of state of metals, lunar laser ranging, and seismology.
Organizers: Jérôme Gattacceca, Mark Wieczorek, David Cébron, Nathanael Schaeffer
Program committee: Jérôme Gattacceca, Mark Wieczorek, David Cébron, Agnès Fienga, Thorsten Kleine, Daniele Antonangeli, Renee Weber